Preparation of instructions for environmental regulations for the use of waste-derived fuels by industries

Preparation of instructions for environmental regulations for the use of waste-derived fuels by industries
Project initiation date   2019 Project complication date 2020
Credit source Environmental Protection Organization
Partner companies in project implementation Tarbiat Modares University
Brief description of the project

This instruction was evaluated RDF fuel as one method for generating energy from waste. RDF refers to a compound that is used as a fuel after undergoing various recycling processes. According to the available information, the per capita waste production in the country is on average about 650 g per person per day, which is more than the global per capita. Considering the population of 85 million people, the daily production of municipal waste in the country will be about 55,000 tons, most of which will be buried in an unprincipled manner. Problems related to current waste management have led those involved to seek scientific and practical solutions to reduce waste. The science of waste management has long offered many solutions to overcome these problems, one of them is recycling energy from waste. One of the relatively simple ways to recycle energy from waste is to use Refuse-derived fuel (RDF). Using municipal waste to produce RDF, while producing a significant amount of energy, the amount of waste disposal is also significantly reduced. The most important advantage of this method is the drastic reduction of waste volume and efficient use of waste in energy production. Therefore, considering the quantity and quality of municipal waste in the country, the production of RDF from this type of waste can be very effective in the direction of proper waste management and moving towards sustainable development. This instruction provides any information on different types of RDF fuels, which are divided into seven categories according to the American standard based on raw materials, type of processing operations and type of products. RDF is also classified according to the primary source of waste and explanations are provided regarding its basic components that have the desired calorific value. Finally, the equipment required for municipal waste processing and waste processing operations and RDF fuel production are described.


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