BCRC Iran newsSecretariat of Basel and Stockholm Convention

Second Steering Committee Meeting of Basel Convention Regional Center, Tehran

Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Center, Tehran hold the second online Steering Committee Meeting on 28 June, 2022.

High level officials from member parties including Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Maldives and representative of BRS secretariat participated in the meeting.

Suman Sharma from BRS secretariat while he was delivering the opening remarks he requested the center to submit their activity reports by 31 December this year for the consideration of the 2023 COPs. The COPs also requested the regional centers to submit their business plans/workplans by September 2023, he added.

Mehdi Sameni, Executive Director of the regional center shared the activity report and also ongoing activities of the center. He briefed about the need assessment forms which had been shared to the parties and the summary of the collected needs of the parties.

There were some observers from Ministry of foreign affairs, Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Lebanon, Department of Environment, I. R. of Iran, Iran National Environmental Fund (IRNEF) and some private companies who are active in Hazardous Waste Management.

Each member parties raised their comments and shared their brief report of their activities. They also requested the regional center to utilize the platform of the center to exchange of the good practices of the parties regarding the waste management.

Other than the BCRC/SCRC Iran, there were some technical and also country report presentations by the participants. The presentation files are available here.

2nd Steering Committee   2nd Steering Committee

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