BCRC Iran news

Signing an MOU between BCRC-SCRC Indonesia and BCRC-SCRC Iran

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Center for the Asia and Pacific Region, Islamic Republic of Iran (BCRC-SCRC Iran) and Basel and Stockholm Conventions for Southeast Asia in Indonesia (BCRC-SCRC Indonesia) in Geneva on 10 May 2023. The parties are entering into this MOU with the specific and mutual goals of working together to strengthen the cooperation for improving environmental management on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and assist to ensure implementation of chemicals and wastes related international conventions. This MOU signing ceremony was one of the important side-events of the Sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) where high level entities attended this event.

BCRC-SCRC Iran is trying to extend the collaboration among the geographical region and diversify the activities technically, said Mehdi Sameni, executive director of BCRC-SCRC Iran. He added: I am pleased to strengthen the mutual collaboration with BCRC-SCRC Indonesia through this MOU and I welcome the collaboration with other regional centers. BCRC-SCRC Iran, after COVID-19, organized many international webinars and invited all regional centers and their members to participate, he noted.

Mehdi Sameni, executive director of BCRC-SCRC Iran and Anton Purnomo, executive director of BCRC-SCRC Indonesia singed the MOU for their regional centers.

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