Secretariat of Basel and Stockholm Convention

Dioxin in eggs from burning plastic

The eggs of chickens that range freely in places where plastic is incinerated have extremely high levels of dioxins. The norms that prevail in Europe are dramatically exceeded in low-income countries. Researchers analysed chicken eggs for dioxins, PCBs, and some other persistent organic toxins (Persistent Organic Pollutants, POPs). They argue for a complete ban on the export of plastic waste. More:

Dioxin in eggs from burning plastic  –  Plastic Soup Foundation
Toxic Chemicals in Plastic Waste Poisoning People in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe & Latin America  –  IPEN (Report)
Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of dioxin and dioxin-like pcb contamination in foods and feeds  –  FAOThe eggs of chickens that range freely in places where plastic is incinerated have extremely high levels of dioxins. The norms that prevail in Europe are dramatically exceeded in low-income countries. Researchers analysed chicken eggs for dioxins, PCBs, and some other persistent organic toxins (Persistent Organic Pollutants, POPs). They argue for a complete ban on the export of plastic waste. More:

Dioxin in eggs from burning plastic  –  Plastic Soup Foundation
Toxic Chemicals in Plastic Waste Poisoning People in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe & Latin America  –  IPEN (Report)
Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of dioxin and dioxin-like pcb contamination in foods and feeds  –  FAO

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