Establishment of the specialized training center for waste management in Isfahan

Establishment of the specialized training center for waste management in Isfahan
Project initiation date   22 September 2020 Project complication date   19 March 2021
Credit source Isfahan Municipality Waste Management Organization
The project output
  1. Informing the audience through scientific data on the higher levels of the strategic pyramid of waste management, changing attitudes, and modifying behavior in the learning process
  2. 5. Shaping the pattern of partnership with audiences, especially student groups
Brief description of the project
This project which is specially designed and implemented for students, Intends to represent the various stages of waste management and the harmful effects of non-participation in an attractive and effective visit and using modern technologies. So after observing these cases in different stages and the form of techniques, while gaining knowledge about the subject, audiences are challenged in their mental attitude and encouraged to change their behavior. At all stages of training, priority is given to the upper levels of the waste management pyramid included avoid production, reduce waste production, reuse and separating in origin, and tools such as 3D film, chromakey screen, and turntable will be used to make the training process more tangible.
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