The series of cultural and educational programs for citizens in the field of waste management

The series of cultural and educational programs for citizens in the field of waste management
Project initiation date   4th April 2019 Project complication date   To be continued
Credit source Isfahan Municipality Waste Management Organization
The project output

1.Increasing citizen’s awareness in the field of waste management based on the waste management pyramid steps.

2. Changing attitudes and modifying behavior through the continuous implementation of behavior-based training programs

Brief description of the project

This project is a set of field educational and cultural programs held on different occasions for different age groups and various social roles, some of which are:

• Street shows and programs such as performances, street theater, war, etc.

• A series of specialized student celebrations including recycling buds, paper flowers for the benefit of nature, recycling gifts, etc.

• Preparation of various and specialized educational products for different age groups in the form of written content (books, posters, brochures, puzzles, etc.) and digital productions (motion graphics clips, documentaries, etc.).

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