Purification of hydrocarbon pollutants and improvement of groundwater quality in the Assaluyeh region

Purification of hydrocarbon pollutants and improvement of groundwater quality in the Assaluyeh region
Project initiation date   7/9/2019 Project complication date   7/9/2021

Phase I: Free layer removal from the aquifer by physical method

Phase II: Identify the extent of underground pollution

Phase III: Vapor extraction and pollution removal

Project budget Credit source National Iranian Oil Company
Partner companies in project implementation Petroleum Research Institute
The project output Recycling of oil pollutants, treatment of groundwater and deep contaminated soils by combining Physico-chemical and microbial methods
Brief description of the project
Groundwater has long been used as the main source of fresh water and agricultural use in Assaluyeh and its surrounding villages. Leakage of petroleum condensate from the common condensate transfer pipe has caused groundwater contamination with petroleum compounds. Groundwater contamination with petroleum compounds will create many problems for the residents of the region and consequently have any legal consequences for the companies located in the region. Decreased water quality, disrupts the use for various purposes and requires appropriate methods for purification.
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