Design, manufacture, and operation of pet bottle self-receiving machine

Design, manufacture, and operation of pet bottle self-receiving machine
Project initiation date   23 August 2018 Project complication date   23 August 2019
Credit source Isfahan Municipality Waste Management Organization
Partner companies in project implementation Rastak Pishro Espadana company
The project output Installation of 2 self-receiving devices on a trial basis
Localization of construction and commissioning knowledge
Brief description of the project

There is a different option in establishing systems and methods of dry waste collection to maximize the volume of segregated waste collection by the maximum coverage of different daily programs of people and their different motivations. One of these options could be the automatic collection of dry waste using self-collection tanks which deliver all types of dry waste by type and provide incentives to citizens. In general, self-collection tanks are smart bins that use various sensors to detect incoming materials and deliver only the items defined for them.

Automatic collection of valuable dry waste is one of the modern methods of dry waste disposal which during the use in different countries shows the 70% return of cans and glasses and no other system has ever shown such efficiency in such a short time. A significant issue in the use of these devices is the reduction of collection costs.

In Isfahan, due to the high cost of the European model, In 2018, the construction of two self-receiving devices with benchmarking of foreign models was put on the organization’s agenda. After that, with an experimental installation in high-traffic places such as the university predecessor, its performance was investigated. After this period, in the future, we would seek mass production if its defects were eliminated.


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